Wednesday, September 14, 2011

School in the Hole

Hey Everyone!

First off, I'm sorry I've been so lacking in blog posts for the past couple weeks, I'll try to be better about writting in the future.

I'll write out a schedule of what I'm doing on a semi regular basis, so you can see a little into my life right now. *smile*

There are some things that happen every single week day, such as...

8:00 - Breakfast
9:00 - Class Starts
12:30 - Lunch
After Lunch - Lunch Clean Up Crew (My group pretty much rocks at kitchen cleaning)
6:00 - Dinner

Then there are things that happen on certain days...

Sunday -
  • PCMA in the morning setting up food for fellowship before Sunday School
  • Church
  • Free time for doing whatever we want
Monday -
  • 8:30 - Chapel
Tuesday -
  • 8:30 - Womens prayer time
  • 2:00 PM (time varies actually) - Womans Bible Study
Wednesday -
  • 8:30 - Group Prayer Time
Thursday -
  • 8:30 - PCMA Report
  • 2:30 - PCMA of teaching Art Class with Natalie at JHCA (so much fun so far!)
Friday -
  • Work Study Program in the afternoon (I went and collected fire wood with Natalie and some of the guys last week and peeled mandarines the week before)
Saturday -
  • This is pretty much our free day and we can do whatever (most people choose to sleep in)
Sunday -
  • Refer to top of list and starts the week over again. *grins*

And that is pretty much my week in a small nutshell that just covers the basics. 

That was for all you that are just wondering what I've been up to lately. :)