As you may remember from another post I made a while back, ( Do You Have The Time? ) I pretty much "live" in different time zones, because I think about what the time zones are in different places that are important to me. Last time I pretty much only had two time zones that mattered to me. Currently, I have 3 special time zones.
Time Zone #1: I am blessed to be able to attend the 2011-2012 school year at Jackson Hole Bible College in Wyoming. I have been learning so very very much, and I would not take back this year for nearly anything. Seeing as I'm in Wyoming, I am currently in Mountain Time. I enjoy this time zone, although it is not very different from my time zone at home. Speaking of home...
Time Zone #2: My hometown/the place I will be going back to in less than 2 months/most of the rest of my family in the Pacific time zone. Whenever I think about my family I mentally calculate what time it is where they are. Right now my family is doing a pre-season party for the 49er Fun season of Rock-N-Water and I mentally thought of what the light is like at home and what they would be doing and whether or not they would be eating dinner about now, or if my dad is home from work yet. But, not all of my family is located in the Pacific time zone right now.
Time Zone 3: Two weeks ago today my little sister got married to her prince charming. Now, instead of her name being Micaela R., she is now Micaela T. I love Caela and her husband so very much, and they currently reside in a far away place called the "Eastern" time zone.
There you have it, 3 time zones where my heart resides. What made me think of this interesting topic? Well, I tried calling my little married sister and she didn't answer. Why? I don't know, but she
"has her own life" now and so I don't really mind. I'll talk to her sometime soon. I miss my family in the far spread time zones. But I am so glad that God has placed each of us in the time zone that He has placed us, and I am so blessed by His love.