Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Two Times Disappointed

Disappointment #1:  When I have a text conversation, more often than not I was the one that started it.  So, last night when my phone vibrated I jumped.  I wasn't having a conversation with anyone, so it surprised me.  Yay! I got a text message! Well, I stopped what I was doing and was VERY disappointed when I found out that the text was from Verizon wireless telling me something about my PIX/FLIX account being inactive.  As if I didn't know that.  THAT text was a letdown.

Disappointment #2: I was checking my e-mail.  You might not have ever noticed this, but when Outlook Express is checking your account for e-mails it has a little progress bar that gets filled up with green.  It fills up most of the way and then falls back when it's actually receiving an e-mail.  Well, today it started filling up, then fell back.  I thought "Oh nice! I got an e-mail!"  Well, I did not actually receive one.  Talk about annoying.  Oh well.

Oh the other hand, I have had a very un-disappointing day as far as my jewelry goes.  I'll try to post pictures later! :-D

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