Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Oh look, a blog title that doesn't start with a "B", how interesting. :)

I've always been interested in making jewelry.  When I was younger I bought a package of plastic beads from Toys 'R' Us and made a bunch of random necklaces and bracelets like any normal 8 year old girl would.  At some point my designs actually started looking better, and matching, and I started buying glass beads. 

In the fall semester of 2008 I took a jewelry design class at Sierra College.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but it sounded like a lot of fun!  Here I am, 3 semesters of taking the class and one semester as a teacher's aid later, and I love jewelry making.  I learned so many interesting techniques, and I have fun with what I try (most of the time).  I'm hoping to start an online store sometime soon, so I'll let you know when I do.  I haven't made any jewelry in a while, so I got out my "truck" of jewelry making supplies and started messing around yesterday.  I had seen a picture of "Two Peas in a Pod" that I thought would make a really cute friendship necklace.  I decided I'd make one for myself and see how it went.  It went well, and I love it!  I made a matching necklace and bracelet set...

I also made one that has three peas in the pod, which someone mentioned would be a sweet gift for a mother of 3 children.  I liked her idea.

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my work!

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