Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"In My Humble Opinion" of the Day

Sometimes I wonder if my humble opinion is really that humble at all.  I really don't know.

I've decided/realized that I am very opinionated.  Is this something I need to work on?  I don't think I show my opinionatedness too much, but I show it more than I realize or think about.  Right now though, I'm going to share a couple tings I feel like being opinionated about.

#1: I think that bikinis are gross, both on a girl and on a hanger.  I just don't understand why a girl would want to show so much of her body and how she could think it's that different than walking around without clothes on.  I mean really, just cause it's made out of swimming fabric doesn't mean it's better than not wearing clothing.  If a person wants to wear a bikini with shorts and a shirt over them, than that's just fine, and I think there's nothing wrong with that.  I point this out because I was on Facebook and as I scrolled down I came across an entire album from the beach and it was chock full of pictures of girls wearing bikinis.  UGH! I almost got sick. *wrinkles nose*

#2: People typing using texting shorthand.  Now, I can understand people using texting shorthand in a text, that's just wonderful.  But when you have a full keyboard sitting in front of you, then it's just lazy to not write out whole words.

Well, that's odd... maybe I'm just tired, but I'm having a hard time thinking of or remembering any of the things I'm opinionated about! Oh well, maybe that's a good thing? :)

Hope everyone is doing splendidly well!

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