I guess someone threw the clock out the window a while ago because time just doesn't slow down one bit! I mean, in reality I suppose it doesn't go faster, nor does it go slower. I just have to think back to when I was little and a year seemed like an eternity, then think about now and how it seems like it has hardly been a day since the girls left for school last August.
In 22 short days I will be heading to Jackson Hole Bible College for a year of growth. I am beyond excited! Not only am I going to be learning so much benificial information, but I will be building relationships to last a lifetime. (Not to mention the view from school).
This is my last full week at home before I head to Wy. and I am trying to enjoy it while I scurry around like a mouse storing for the winter. Tomorrow evening I will be able to halt my mad dash as we celebrate the uncoming marrieage of a friend at a wedding shower. After that it's back to work! Althought figuring out everything that I need is stressful, it is also very fun! I've always enjoyed shopping, and this has not been much of an exception. Speaking of exception... isn't this an exceptional view?
I think I'm about ready to start actually packing, because I think I've bought everything that I need, at least most of it. Yay!
Well, enough of this talking. Right? Of course right! Who wants talking when you can see pictures? Right? Of course! I think I'll put some more of the pictures I took from our recent trip to Jackson Hole up. Does that sound good? I think yes.
Don't Wyoming got i'self some perty sunsets? *grins*
ahhhh!!! I'm so excited for you to come!! see you soon!!! *huge*