Saturday, March 26, 2011

Activities Of The Day

Today was a very nice day.

Acivity #1 - Finished the skirt I was making for my mom. Now she has an all new Rock-N-Water outfit! Shirt and skirt made by me! YAY!

Activity # 2 - Made cookies to take to activity #4.  Some were plain chocolate chip cookies and some were chocolate chip cookies with Heath bits.  Oh so yummy!

Activity #3 - Made muffin batter for tomorrow morning.  (I'm hoping these mocha chip muffins go over better than the banana nut ones did.)

Activity #4 - Went to the contra dance! It was such a fun dance tonight too!  There were quite a few new people that really enjoyed it and they were fun to dance with.  It was a very nice night all round. :)
              Smell #1 - One of these nice new young men smelled like Aeropostale cologne. Pleasant.
              Smell #2 - One of the other young men smelled like a thrift store. Not as pleasant.

Activity #5 - Fourth meal at Taco Bell. YUM!  Gotta love a hot bean burrito after a long dance and a wet day.

Activity #6 - (yet to be accomplished) Climbing into bed and sleeping.


  1. And the skirt and shirt are AWESOME!!! You did an amazing job!

  2. so was the unpleasant smelling young man not a "nice new" one?? hehe

  3. The not as nice smelling young man was nice and new, but the smell is what stood out to me. ;)
