Friday, March 25, 2011

Like Joshua

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

This is one of the verses I have always remembered from my choir days.  The catchy tune that the writer wrote for it and the wonderful meaning of the verse has made it stick with me ever since I heard it.  This verse has been going through my head the last few days.  Knowing that God is with me wherever I go is a wonderful knowledge. 

I think the reason this verse was going through my head yeterday was that Nick was driving.  Nick drives very well, I mean, he's been driving since he was 12 or something so of course he drives well!  The thing is that he just recently started driving on real roads, where there are other people driving alongside.  He's been doing very well from what I have seen.  Yesterday was a wee bit different though, because it was pouring rain and the roads were practically flooding.  There was water that was hardly less than an inch thick in parking lots.  I've realized that I get nervous when I'm riding in cars and conditions are not very good.  I think it may have something to do with getting in an accident when I was in Jackson, because I don't remember ever really getting nervous before.  Whatever the reason, I  thought of that verse from Joshua, and I was able to calm down.  God is with me wherever I go.  I know He know's what my future holds.  I can rest in knowing His plan for me is perfect, and whatever happens it's His will.

And that's what I've had on my mind the last few days.  God is in control and there's nothing I can do to escape His will, and for that I am supremely grateful.

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