Saturday, March 19, 2011

"I've Noticed..." Of The Day

1- I try to make sure that each bite of my cereal has enough milk.  I like there to be cereal and milk in my very last bite.

2- I miss people when I'm not with them... a lot.

3- I actually enjoyed getting soaking wet yesterday, cause I was working with friends and it was fun.  There's something gratifying about being really wet, rather than just a little wet.

4- Different people have different views on what is handsome and what isn't handsome.  But my opinion is right. *wink wink*

5- Jordon had a small bag of chocolate chips with him at lunch yesterday... why had I never thought of that?

6- I missed reading a lot more than I realized.

7- I'm really looking forward to Rock-N-Water!

8- There is so much water coming down outside!

1 comment:

  1. 1-So do I!
    2-I miss the girls, too. And I miss you even though I saw you yesterday.
    3-You are so right! I think working with friends makes anything fun.
    4-Of course you're right, as long as you agree with me. :)
    5-I almost packed myself chocolate chips, and then regretted it when I saw his!
    6-Then read more!
    7-SO AM I! Yesterday was just a little taste, and now I want MORE! :)
    8-Isn't there? I'm glad that I'm inside!

    There. That's everything I would have said if you had made those comments to me. :)

