Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do You Have The Time?

Yes, I have the time, but I'm confused as to what time you want...

I have discovered something over the last few months; I tend to live in multiple time zones.  You might ask me how in the world I can even say that?  Well, I'll tell you. (This is the part where you wish you hadn't asked because I now proceed to take an entire blog post to answer you and make silly side notes that take multiple lines to write so by the time you finish you no longer remember where the parenthesis started and you're surprised when it comes to an end.)

As you (the reader) may know, I have two sisters.  As you may have gathered from previous blog posts, they are both away at a (smallish) college called Jackson Hole Bible College.  Well, Jackson Hole is located in Wyoming, and as many of you may know, I am located in California.  If you know your time zones, this means that we are in two different time zones!  (what is this girls thinking? She's crazy! Just because she has SISTERS in a different time zone does not mean that SHE is in a different time zone!) Okay, okay, you have a point, but it's my brain that is so confused.  You see, every morning when I get up I automatically think about what time it is in WY.  When I send them texts I automatically think about what they're doing.  When I see that it's 11:30, I think about how they're probably just about to pray before lunch.  When I see that it's 5 I know they should be about to eat dinner (unless of course it's Friday, which is a work day, which means that they are probably eating dinner a little early which means it might be at about 4:3 my time) and so on an so forth.  I know that at 10PM my time it's curfew their time.  I also notice when it's supposed to be break time for them during school.  All in all, it's a very odd sensation.   It's not as if I do anything based of their times, but I seem to be thinking about it an awful lot.

I also live in whichever time zone Georgia lives.  (No, I'm not talking about a person, I'm talking about that state that is three hours away, time zone wise.)  Okay, I don't live in this one quite so much, only at 8:11 CA time.  You want to know why I notice GA time? (You probably don't, but I'm going to tell you anyways, because I know that you are reading this by choice, unless some writing teacher or mother uses this to show an incorrect use of parenthesis, then you are being forced to read this.  Not that I think my blog would be used for that purpose, but that is beside the point.  In any case, I'm going to tell you why I live in GA time at 8:11.)  Mrs. J introduced us to a thing called happy minute a few years ago while we were at the happiest place on earth. DISNEYLAND!!!  Happy minute is when you look at the clock and it says 11:11 (of course the clock isn't actually SAYING that, but that's what numbers are displayed).  You are supposed to at least point out in a loud voice that it is happy minute... at least.  At most you jump around shouting "It's happy minute! It's happy minute! It's happy minute!" until the clock no longer says 11:11.  Some of you may know happy minute as just plain ol' "It's 11:11, make a wish." Well, Mrs. J's sister, brother-in-law, nieces and nephew live in GA and... (well, to make a long story a little shorter) a while ago we started texting each other if we noticed it was happy minute... or I could catch her at happy minute her time and I would notice it being 8:11 my time. So now happy minute is actually sort of at 8:11 my time as well as 11:11.

And THAT my friends, is how I live in multiple time zones.  Thank you, and good night.... errrr... good afternoon... errr... good 10:16 to you in my time zone. *winks*


  1. I do the same thing only opposite! I'm constantly thinking about what time it is at home with my family compared to here!

  2. I know just what you mean, Missy! I get three happy minutes a day because I celebrate at 8:11 for the Rices, 10:11 for your sisters, and 11:11 for me! :)

  3. Oh, I feel famous! 10:10 has become another sort of Happy Minute for me because of Amber, and now I notice it ALL THE TIME. It's pretty weird.
