Thursday, March 24, 2011

On Stalking and Some Such Nonsense

Stalking is a very interesting thing.  There are so many forms in which it manifests itself!

Form #1:  The obvious Facebook stalking - This week I decided to take a little break from Facebook.  I spend far too much time Facebook stalking our "friends" on there.  It's a funny term, "friend".  On Facebook, that's a very loose term.  It is applied to people you've only met once, is a friend of a friend, is the relative of a friend, and of course, the real friends that just so happen to alo have Facebook accounts.  Anywho... It's funny that people stalk on Facebook.  You can go back and see a pretty correct account of what a person has done since the day they got their Facebook account.  It's all right there, just waiting to be looked at.  I mean really, why not?  It's such fun to see what people are up to, and what's going on in their lives.  I mean really, it's a fantastic way to keep up with ones friends and "friends". 

Form #2: The "Followers" - You can "follow" a person on Blogger... which in a way is far creepier than being "friends" on Facebook. I mean REALLY... It's saying outright, "I'm following you... it's like stalking, only you can't report me to the authorities."  It's not as bad as I made it sound though, because by becoming a "blogger" you are liturally signing up to let other people read what you write whether you know them or not. It's your choice.  You can follow a person you know, or a person you don't know, but it's still stalking.  It kinda reminds me of those Verizon commercials.  A ton of people followinf you around is a little creepy, even if they do make you have better cell service than any other plan.

Form #3:  The "Favoriter" - This is for all you people's that add a blog or website to your favorite list, but don't want that person to know that you're looking at their blog once or twice a week (or for some people more or less often).  It's not as bad as it sounds... all you have to do is click the little "open in new tab" button, and there you have it!

I suppose these are the only three forms that I can think of at the moment. 

You might already know this, but I'm 90% joking in all this.  Of course, if you're form #2 then you might not be able to read my sarcasm because you might not actually know me.  On the other hand, if you're form #3 it could be the same thing.  In reality, I sorta like knowing that there are people interested enough in my life that they would stalk me in any way, so please... don't stop! *giggles quietly*

(Photo taken by Myself at Little Basin)

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh! It's SO true!!! Now that I don't have FB while I'm here at school I blog-stalk everyone. I admit it. I am one of those awkwardly random people that, when bored, will go to the mall and actually stalk people though... Lol! (Honestly, I've only done that once.)
